Schloss Niederweiden
Estate farm


The Paradise Garden

The originally steep slope down to the flatland of the River March to the east offered Prince Eugene an ideal terrain to plan a garden after the French model.

Within a few years one of the most splendid gardens in the German-speaking regions was created after plans of the garden landscaper Anton Zinner. The vertical central axis with its fountains divides the garden on each terrace into two laterally reversed areas.

An optimally devised sculptural programme by the sculptor Johann Christoph Mader pays homage to the former lord of the manor Prince Eugene. The water quantity needed for the fountains and watering the plants was conveyed from ponds in the township of Groissenbrunn.

The garden became more and more neglected in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. One of the most important sources for the gradual reconstruction of the individual terrace zones since 2002 was provided by the three views of Schloss Hof Estate, created around 1760 on commission of Maria Theresa by Bernardo Bellotto, called Canaletto.

Overview of the gardens

Baroque Blossom

Impressions from the baroque garden of Hof Palace

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Further Reading