| Schloss Hof Estate

Special Exhibition – Eugene of Savoy: The Man behind the Prince

Special Exhibition

The special exhibition 2025 is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Schloss Hof Estate as designed by Prince Eugene of Savoy.

2025/03/15 - 2025/11/02
included in admission
Schloss Hof Estate & Schloss Niederweiden

Eugene of Savoy: The Man behind the Prince – 300 Years of Schloss Hof Estate

The special exhibition 2025 is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Schloss Hof Estate as designed by Prince Eugene of Savoy.


Eugene – Networker and Collector

The exhibition section in Schloss Hof spotlights the behind the ballistic rise of Prince Eugene as one of the most influential personalities of the Austrian Baroque epoch. It vividly illustrates the multifaceted aspects of this brilliant networker and manic collector, the hub of an élite circle of friends and artists.t.


Eugene – Architecture Patron and Visionary

In Schloss Niederweiden, which is itself a jewel of Baroque architecture, the focus is on the Prince’s top architectural achievements. Schloss Hof and its spectacular gardens – Eugene’s last major development project – is presented as an expression of the aristocratic lifestyle and the epoch’s joie de vivre.

Subject image: © SKB / AI-generated by: Robert Josipović, Watercolor: Heinz Kraner