Shopping at Schloss Hof Estate

Our Shops

Inspired by the synthesis of the arts that is Schloss Hof Estate, a glorious combination of architecture, interiors and art-in-nature, you will also find a wonderfully diverse range of beautiful and useful things in the Kassenhof Shop (in the ticket office hall), and the Meierhof Shop.
Handmade porcelain and glass, exquisite design artefacts, books and toys, even unusual  gardening tools and culinary specialities – the wide-ranging and exclusive assortment of unique objects has something to suit everyone and every purse.

Charles E. Ritterband wrote about the shops at Schloss Hof in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung:


A treasure trove of good taste and quite a few curiosities – the assortment puts the range of your usual souvenir shops in the shade.

Charles E. Ritterband

View of the store with bags and bottles


Country Life

The ‘Kontor’ (‘counting house’) in the Meierhof- Gutshof orients its assortment on the rural environment. This is where garden and animal lovers and fans of the country-house style will be in their element. The range not only includes flower seeds and literature on flora and horticulture, but is also enriched with practical gardening tools and utensils such as aprons and watering cans. Fashion-conscious nature lovers can choose from a great variety of offbeat bags, colourful summer hats, blankets and baskets for a dreamy picnic sur I’herbe.
Foodies can find exclusive Austrian specialities in the ‘Kontor’, also many more delicacies to tickle the gourmet palate.
Our youngest visitors can choose from a super range of children’s books and fascinating toys. A particularly popular item is the Schloss Hof mascot, a little white plush donkey called ‘Lumi’, who loves to be taken home by everyone, big or small.


Opening hours, Meierhof Shop

Summer season: Mon-Sun & public holidays 10 am - 6 pm

Winter season: 10.30 am to 4 pm


An exquisite assortment in a resplendent ambience

The Kassenhof Shop sells imperially inspired design items for home-living and exquisite arts and crafts, things which would also have delighted the prince, a genuine art connoisseur. Here you can find works made by traditional Austrian firms alongside handmade soaps, textiles and jewellery in all price categories.
Visitors can browse and buy to their hearts’ content, and there’s so much to choose from: nonfiction and novels about historic personalities such as Prince Eugene and the Habsburgs, diverse works of reference on interior design and horticulture, also illustrated volumes, hiking guides and cookery books.

Opening hours, Kassenhof Shop

Summer season: Mon-Fri 12.30 pm - 6 pm | Sat, Sun, public holidays 10.30 am - 6 pm

Winter season: closed

Greisslerei - Local Produce Shop

The local produce shop, Greisslerei, right at the entrance to the Baroque world was opened in April 2011 after having been remodelled with Baroque elements. It offers a wide range of high quality regional specialties from the Marchfeld area close by, as well as from other parts of Austria (epicurean regions). 

Opening hours: daily

Sisi Shop

Imperial Jewellery, books and souveniers

Visit our Sisi Shop – also online – for many more items relating to the Austrian Imperial House.

Our Publications

Book cover for Imperial Weddings with Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth in wedding attire

Exhibition Catalogue Imperial Weddings

Weddings at the Viennese Court were remarkable for their extravagant pomp and circumstance. This publication casts light on happenings behind the scenes of Habsburgian marriage politics. Topics include the choice of potential marital partners and the procedures involved in the festivities, beginning with courtship and continuing all the way to the wedding banquet.


Technical data:

Title: Imperial Weddings: When Habsburgs get married

Autors: Katrin Harter, Martin Mutschlechner, Birgit Schmidt-Messner
Edition: 2023
Design: Capitale Design Studio
Print: Kral Verlag Berndorf, printed in the EU
ISBN: 978–3–903448–43–8

Schloss Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsg. m. b. H.
Project management: Helmut Pichler, Bernadette Krischke

Price: € 9.90 (available in the Schönbrunn Group Shops)